Karl Leather Chair Director Meeting Chair Malaysia Manufacturer
Kerusi Kulit - Leather Chair - KARL Series
Maklumat Produk: Kod (Code): C-234
Saiz :
- Refer image in product
Info Produk :
- Jenis Kulit : Tersedia dalam kulit sintetik (PU) & kulit penuh (Available in Synthetic leather (PU) & Full leather).
- Tempat Duduk (Seat) : High density polyurethane moulded foam come with fire retardant feature, gives the seat flexibility to conform userseating posture, provides great support and best comfort evenfor long seating hours.
- Tempat Letak Tangan (Armrest): Die-cast polished finish fixed aluminium armrest with upholsteryarmpad is designed for its visual aesthetics, durability andreliability. The top upholstery armpad provides soft texture andcushiony feel for a more comfortable resting of elbows.
- Mekanisme : Metal synchronized mechanism with 1 locking system that comewith weight adjustable tension knob
- Lif Gas (Gas Lift) : Imported heavy duty pneumatic cylinder designed with safetyand durability features, allows for height adjustment of the chair to suit each users physique
- Tapak Kerusi (Leg Base): die-cast polished aluminium
- Roda (Castor) : 60mm nylon dual-wheel castors are designed for smooth glidingand also reduce floor scratches.
Sila rujuk carta PU/kulit jika anda ingin memilih warna, Warna (catatan di halaman pembayaran):
Servis Brownbox:
- Semua produk akan dihantar dalam 1 unit yang lengkap dengan pemasangan sendiri.
Karl Leather Chair Director Meeting Chair Malaysia Manufacturer
RM 1,640.00 Harga Biasa
RM 810.00Harga Jualan